Detoxification with a Capital C

detox Apr 28, 2010
grapefruit slice - Detoxification With a Capital C (Vitamin C)

During every one of my detoxes I always increase my vitamin C intake to 1 gram per hour over 8 hours; I will do this for the duration of the detox. I do this by taking a 1 gram capsule from 9am to 5pm every day. I keep them close to my desk at work and take them with water on an empty stomach or with food.

We know vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is essential for the body; humans cannot manufacture vitamin C and can only obtain it from external sources. Vitamin C combats all free radicals in the body and it has a detoxifying action on lead, mercury and other carcinogens. Vitamin C also has liver support properties. Natural sources of vitamin C include beets, dandelion, kale, potatoes, tomatoes, sprouts, broccoli and citrus fruit. Make vitamin C a part of your detox protocol.

Dr. Elias Markou, ND

The Day Before Detoxification, Setting My Intention
Days 1-5 of the Detox
Detoxification Days 6 & 7 - Things Are Getting Easier

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